๐ŸŽจGroup Formatting

Group Formatting requires Vault to be installed and loaded along with a Vault-intergated permissions plugin.

Group Formats can be configured in the settings file under the Formats section. If you want more placeholders to be used, make sure you have PlaceholderAPI installed/loaded and follow the { } syntax.

Demo Example:

      Format: '&4&lOWNER &r{display_name} &cยป &r{message}'
      - '&7Need help? Don''t feel shy to reach out!'
      - '&7'
      - '&e&oClick to send a message to this player.'
      - '&8Message was sent on {timestamp_short}'
      Hover_Click_Command: "/msg {target_name} "
      Format: '{vault_prefix} &r{display_name} &dยป &r{message}'
      - '&7If you need help, join Ulti Studios'' Discord!'
      - '&7and open a ticket.'
      - '&7'
      - '&e&oClick to send a message to this player.'
      - '&8Message was sent on {timestamp_short}'
      Hover_Click_Command: "/msg {target_name} "
      Format: '{vault_prefix} &r{display_name} &6ยป &r{message}'
      - '&7Need to make a report? Create one on our website!'
      - '&7and open a ticket.'
      - '&7'
      - '&e&oClick to send a message to this player.'
      - '&8Message was sent on {timestamp_short}'
      Hover_Click_Command: "/msg {target_name} "


Format - The entire message to display in chat for that particular group. If a format isn't specified, the default format will be used.

Hover - The strings to display when you hover on the chat message.

Hover_Click_Command - The command for the player to run when they click the message. If a command isn't specified, the default command right above the Groups section will be used.

Last updated